Get Hired Track Added to Skillcrush’s Break Into Tech Program
Skillcrush updates its signature Break Into Tech program to add a Get Hired Track, career coaching, and a job guarantee. Read on to learn all of the juicy launch details.

Note: As of June 2023, Skillcrush no longer includes a Job Guarantee in the Break Into Tech + Get Hired program. You can read more about this change in this FAQ.
At Skillcrush, our goal is to improve our students’ quality of life by helping them learn the technical skills they need to get high-earning and flexible careers. That’s what our Break Into Tech program is all about — giving our students the training, resources, and support they need to launch fulfilling tech careers.
And that’s also why we are SO excited to announce our biggest update to the Break Into Tech program in our company history: the Get Hired Track, a brand new addition to our program that includes job search training, career coaching, and our first ever job guarantee.
In this update, we’ll walk through:
Table of Contents
- What is Skillcrush Break Into Tech?
- What’s new with our Get Hired Track?
- Why we’re launching the Get Hired Track
- What students are saying about the Get Hired Track
- How to join SKillcrush Break Into Tech with Get Hired
- FAQs
What is Skillcrush Break Into Tech?
Break Into Tech is Skillcrush’s comprehensive online training program for getting the skills you need for a career in tech. Our programs prepare students for full-time and freelance careers as designers, developers, and more.
In our Break Into Tech program, one of the very first things you’ll do is choose a Career Track — basically, you’ll decide if you want to start a career as a designer or a front end developer, and then dive right into the courses that you need to get hired in that field.
Our classes are totally online and you can go at your own pace. Even better, as a BIT student you have access to every course in the program (even if it’s outside of the specialization you selected).
In 2021, we launched the biggest update to Break Into Tech in Skillcrush history. Now, on top of the skills training we have always offered (and spent almost a decade perfecting), you can also get hands-on, personalized job search training and support via the Get Hired Track. It’s a brand new addition to BIT. Let’s take a closer look!
What’s new with our Get Hired Track?
The Get Hired Career Track is a whole new job search program on top of our existing Break Into Tech courses.
In this new track, you’ll learn how to develop your professional brand, write and refine your resume to increase your chances of getting a job, optimize your LinkedIn profile to impress prospective employers, and polish your portfolio to wow any hiring manager.
As part of the job search curriculum, you’ll work with one of our career coaches throughout the entire process. Your coach will help you refine your job search materials and prepare for interviews, plus answer any questions you have as you search for a job.
You’ll meet one-on-one with your coach to practice interviewing, and you’ll also get Q&A checkins with your coach and a small cohort of other job seekers. We’ve found these calls provide practical support…and also much-needed moral support! Job searching can be stressful and exhausting, and working through it with others can be a huge relief.
In the Get Hired Track, you’ll also learn how to evaluate and negotiate job offers — and even work with your coach to field your real-life job offers from potential employers.
With this new Get Hired Track, it means that Skillcrush Break Into Tech students can go from having limited to no technical knowledge to securing a full-fledged front end developer or designer in six months to one year, depending on how much time you have to commit to learning the tech skills and finding your dream job.
This is huge! We’ve tested this program and watched our students work through it and get hired. We’re so confident that it works, we’re offering our first ever job guarantee.
Why we’re launching the Get Hired Track
We’re launching the Get Hired Track because we believe that like technical skills, job search skills are something anyone can and should learn.
We’ve seen qualified alums shy away from applying to jobs because they didn’t feel confident enough to go for it, or they weren’t sure how to navigate a job search in a whole new field.
We’ve also seen the power of community and peer support with Skillcrush’s Break Into Tech, so we wanted to bake that into Get Hired so that students can learn and build their confidence together.
With Get Hired, students help each other prepare for interviews, answer questions, and act as built-in support for each other during the job search process (with the support of our career coaches, of course). Students in our beta program have shared with us just how helpful it is to hear successful tactics their fellow job searchers are using.
At Skillcrush, we want to help every student feel confident and comfortable applying for jobs that they are definitely qualified for, so we built the Get Hired Track in order to offer support and guidance to students through the WHOLE process of making a career transition — not just giving students the technical skills, but also the job searching skills they need.
🎉 More About the *New* Get Hired Track🎉
- Does Skillcrush have a Job Guarantee? 🤔
- How Does Skillcrush Career Coaching Work? 📣
- How Long Does It Take To Get Hired in Tech? ⏱
- Skillcrush Break Into Tech Review ✅
What students are saying about the Get Hired Track
1. It’s effective
Our students have a lot to say about the new Get Hired Track. For one thing…it works! Don’t take it from us…
Job searching is hard, but doing it alone is even harder. The process with Skillcrush was super organized, and knowing that this was a proven method, someone had already tried it, and it worked for them. That also made me feel more confident about it.” – Tefi Saravia, WordPress Support Specialist
2. There’s incredible support
Besides feeling like Skillcrush’s job search method was effective, students also felt supported by our career coach and their peers. Here’s what one of our students had to say about the support she received throughout the program:
“Thanks to the Job Search program, I got my first job in tech! Stephanie walked me through all the steps of starting a new career and helped me feel confident that I was putting my best foot forward. Plus, the entire community is so supportive and encouraged me along the way. I now have a new job that I love and provides me the financial security I need!” – Kacey Willis, Front End Developer
3. Skillcrush provides valuable career training
In addition to feeling incredibly supported and feeling confident with the Get Hired Track, students feel that Skillcrush provides valuable career training. Here’s what students had to say about the Get Hired job search process:
“This is a high-level Job Search Curriculum. Skillcrush is a lifelong community, *plus* you get the wisdom of a career coach to accelerate the job hunt. I don’t know of another coding school at this price, offering this level of support, confidence building, and break-the-glass-ceiling-insider-advice. Learning the correct way to prospect for jobs was an invaluable addition to my professional career.” – Anna FitzGerald, Web Designer
You know, trying to change my career within a year, I never thought it would be possible to go after something that I wanted to do. This job search process really helped me a lot, even down the line. If I do go on a job search again, I will definitely use this job search program, this process that I did with Skillcrush – Amanda Wong, Graphic Design Intern
How to join Skillcrush Break Into Tech with Job Guarantee
The Get Hired Track is officially part of Skillcrush’s Break Into Tech + Job Guarantee program. Here’s how to sign up. First, visit the Break Into Tech programs page, then scroll down and select the “Break Into Tech Skills Training + Job Guarantee” option.
You’ll spend several months working through your skills training courses, learning everything you need to know to become either a designer or a developer.
Once you’ve completed the Front End Developer or Designer Track and submitted your portfolio for review, you’ll see the Get Hired dashboard when you log in to our course platform.
This is so that you can be laser-focused on getting your technical skills squared away first so that you can be ready for the job search.
Ultimately, this saves you time — because if you try to search for a job before you have the necessary tech skills, you’ll just have to go back and learn more skills.
If you focus on skill-building first and then create a professional portfolio, you’ll be able to jump into the job search and start interviewing much more quickly and effectively. 😉
1. How much does the Get Hired Track cost?
It costs $899 to add the Get Hired Track onto Break Into Tech. If you’re a current BIT student or a BIT alum, $899 is the cost to add the Get Hired Track (outside of any time-sensitive offers).
The Get Hired Track is only available to Break Into Tech students.
So if you’re not an existing BIT student, you’ll need to sign up for our Break Into Tech program and Job Guarantee, which now includes the Get Hired Track. The total cost of the program is $2,499.
2. Will I really get my money back if I don’t get a job?
Yes! If you complete the Learn the Skills and the Get Hired Track of the program and you are NOT able to land a paying job* in tech within 6 months, then we’ll refund you for the job search portion of the program ($899) in full.
* “Paying job” refers to a full-time salaried position, paid part-time position, paid contract position, paid freelance position, paid internship, and paid apprenticeship, all in the technical field and all spanning at least a 3 month timeframe.
3. Is Skillcrush going to give me a job? How does this work?
While Skillcrush won’t give you a job, we’ll do our best to help you find a job by giving you the training and resources you need to find a job in tech.
With the Break Into Tech and Job Guarantee program, including the Get Hired Track that’s now a part of the program, you’ll learn the tech skills you need and then look for a job with the help of a career coach after taking our job curriculum. After refining your job search materials and while working with a career coach, you’ll look for jobs.
4. What do you mean “job” guarantee? Do internships count? What about work outside my area of study?
Our Job Guarantee means that if you complete the Learn the Skills and the Get Hired phase of the program and you do not land a qualifying paying tech job within 180 days, we’ll refund you for the whole program ($2499).
Paid internships in the technical field that span at least a three month timeframe count as well as work outside your area of study.
For more info on our job guarantee, read our blog post on the topic: Does Skillcrush Have a Job Guarantee?
5. What if I don’t know what I want to do? (Design, front end development, etc.)
Skillcrush’s Break Into Tech program gives you access to both the Front End Developer and Web Designer Career Tracks (you’ll have access to all the included courses, no matter which track you pick). If you’re stuck, our team can help you pick a direction when you sign up.
You definitely don’t need to know if you prefer web design or web development before or even after you sign up for BIT. For most students, it becomes clearer as you work through the curriculum — but you can always go back and switch tracks (or do both!).
Once you start job searching, it’s far more effective to have a specific job role in mind (rather than search for both developer and designer roles). But you should have a good idea of what job you’re after by that point in the program, because you’ll have lots of experience trying it yourself and learning what you like best.
6. Do I need tech experience?
You don’t need any tech experience to take part in our Break Into Tech program! Beginners are welcome!
7. What hours and time zones are required?
Skillcrush’s Break Into Tech and Job Guarantee curriculum (including the Get Hired Track), is self-paced, so there are no required hours and time zones.
8. Do I have to accept any job offer I get, even if it isn’t appealing/satisfactory to me?
While you don’t have to accept any job offer you get, you cannot decline an offer for a qualifying job and be eligible for a refund.
For more FAQs, visit our Break Into Tech program page.