25+ Python Programming Examples
This is what Python looks like.

By now, maybe you know that Python is a super popular object-oriented programming language used by everyone from web developers to data scientists to financial wizards. Once you learn Python, the doors are wide open as far as your career options in tech. Buuut you might still be wondering what exactly Python LOOKS like and how it works. Never fear — we’re here to show you some Python code examples and fun Python scripts (‘Hello World (of Python!’).
Until you get a look at a programming language in action (Python 3 is known for its readability, tools to manipulate data structures, and versatility), it’s hard to understand what it’s all about — even if you’ve done tutorial after tutorial. We’ve rounded up over 25 Python code examples to show exactly how Python functions in the wild.
Each of these Python programming examples includes a link to the source code, so you can test and tweak them to your heart’s content, and maybe even try to write your own examples based on what you see here.
By the end of this post, you’ll see tuples, get up close and personal with Python syntax, while loops, comparison operators, and Boolean values. You’ll practice iteration, work with true and false and value pairs, append strings (str), and master conditionals. You may even see a syntax error or two while you work on your formatting and indentation skills to make your code iterable!
As you work through these examples, if you don’t know what something is — What is a break statement? What is a return statement? What does it mean to be mutable (hint: tuples are mutable in Python)? — don’t fret. If you get lost, you can take a look at the Python tutorials and explore Python.org for answers to your questions.
1. Remove Duplicates Function
Automation is a huuuuge part of Python’s playbook and an equally big part of why programmers love the language so much. When it comes to programming and web development (or data science or machine learning or any of the other fields Python is used for), being able to automate processes that would otherwise take forever to complete by hand is CRUCIAL.
This script, for removing duplicates from lists, is a low-key-yet-totally-on-point Python script example of how powerful Python’s automating functions can be. It uses def, an if statement, for, and return to remove the duplicates.
To play around more, try this more succinct method for removing duplicates with Python too.
2. Magic 8 Ball
Am I dating myself by saying I loved Magic 8 Balls as a kid? Well, if you no longer have yours (maybe because, like me, you smashed it to see what that murky liquid was inside), you can recreate the 8 Ball logic with this classic Python script example!
It uses elif to generate responses to your burning questions.
And if Magic 8 Balls aren’t your thing? You’ll still have a front-row seat to how Python is used to generate random responses
P.S. you can also tweak this base code to make it serve specific responses to specific inputs.
3. Pig Latin Translator
Do ouyay peaksay Igpay Atinlay?
Not a problem. With this Python Pig Latin Translator Script, you’ll be fluent in no time. Again, Python programming examples like this one are fun hints at what’s possible when you learn Python. Automated Pig Latin translations might seem silly, but you can extend this kind of scripting to any instance that requires automatic responses to specific inputs.
4. Use Python to Send Email
As you start working with scripting languages like Python or JavaScript, you’ll realize what an important role they play in a lot of the web functions we take for granted. Emails are a perfect example.
Business emails rely on automation. When a user signs up for a product on your site, for instance, you want them to receive a confirmation email…but you DON’T want to be scheduling and sending each of those emails by hand.
Developers use scripting languages like Python to make that automation happen. Python code examples like this Python script illustrate how Python can automatically schedule and send those emails so you won’t have to.
5. Temperature Conversion Program
Is there anything more embarrassing than someone in Europe telling you it’s 32 degrees out, and not knowing that’s hot not cold? Well, there probably is, but still. Thankfully, we live in the internet age, where web applications let us convert these kind of numbers at the touch of a button! Python programming examples, like this temperature conversion program, show how to script a basic conversion script from Celsius to Fahrenheit (and vice versa), something you can recreate for automating any kind of system conversion program.
6. Convert KM/H to MPH converter
This Python script example follows the same premise as the temperature conversion program above, but in this case, it’s a Python script used for converting kilometers per hour to miles per hour. Compare the two programs so you can get a sense of how to use different methods and inputs to achieve a similar result.
7. Greatest Common Divisor Script
We often say that the tech industry isn’t nearly as math-heavy as outsiders tend to think it is. Part of that is because most of the heavy computational lifting is done for you by machines. Still, you DO need to tell machines what to do and how to do before letting them loose. (This sounds like the start of a classic “robots take over the world” film…).
Python scripts like this greatest common divisor script are perfect examples of how — once you use Python to give machines a clear set of instructions — they’ll spit out the computational data you’re looking for till the end of time.
8. Search a Computer For Specific Files
If you’re looking for a particular file or type of file on a computer, the last thing you want to do is hunt and peck your way there. And that means — if you find yourself working on an application or software program that needs to be able to find files — you’ll need a way to automate the process. So how do you do that? This Python script example will give you some clues as to what it takes to build a feature for searching individual files and files of a specific type.
9. Check Your External IP Address
Needing to know what your external IP address is one of those things that doesn’t come up everyday…until it does. Here’s a Python script example that shows how easy it is to use Python for these otherwise tedious kind of tasks.
10. Random Password Generator
Trying to create a website or a mobile app that’s capable of generating random user passwords? Then this is the Python script for you! Dig into this code and see how to generate passwords and how you can change the rules to fit your own specific requirements.
11. Username Prompt
Simple (but effective) Python code examples (like this script for a username prompt) are a good starting point for building up to more complicated scripts and functions.
12. Grocery Calculator
Here’s a Python script example that shows exactly how useful Python can be for everyday tasks. Trying to keep track of your grocery budget?
There’s a Python script for that! This grocery calculator uses Python code to track and tally the costs of entered food items. It’ll do your addition and subtraction for you, so no need to worry about missing a single decimal somewhere.
13. Tweet Search
Ever tried looking for an individual tweet from a Twitter account you follow? Scrolling, and scrolling, and scrolling, and WHOOPS..accidentally ending up back at the top of the page? NOT COOL. Let this Python script example makes things easier for you by automating that search function.
14. Convert to Seconds
Continuing in the vein of Python programming examples that automate measurement conversions, this Python script converts hours into seconds…again, something you can certainly do by hand, but why would you when you know how to script with Python?
15. Dice Roller
Whether it’s board game or casino night at home and you’re all out of dice, or you just need a random number generated between 1-6 (or any range you’d like if you tweak the code), this Python script example has virtual dice rolling on lockdown.
16. Vowel Remover Function
File this one under “Python programming examples that show how slick Python is for isolating specific data.” This script identifies all vowels in a field of text and removes them.
17. Hypnosis Generator
You are getting verrrrry sleeeeepy…no, not because you’re 17 entries deep in this list, but because you just checked out this Python script example — a hypnotism generator! Yeah, it sounds like a joke, BUT if you explore this code you’ll see how to use Python to prioritize data and produce different results from the same date pool depending on your parameters.
18. Guessing Game
There are other gamified Python code examples on this list, but this Python script adds an extra element. Sure, it generates a random number that the user is asked to guess, but it also includes a loop that causes the script to repeat itself UNTIL the user actually inputs the correct number.
19. Fizz Buzz Solution
And over here we have your standard Fizz buzz solution, which is a super common interview question. Check out this Python script example.
This script prints the numbers 1-100, but for multiples of 3 prints “Fizz” instead of the number and for multiples of 5 prints “buzz.”
20. Color Gradients and Intermediaries
This handy Python script example shows how to use Python to calculate that elusive color information like gradients and intermediaries.
21. Get All Website Links Function
Ever been tasked with finding all the links on a specific website and started seeing double as you pored over the screen making sure you weren’t missing any? The beauty of scripting with Python is that you could have just run this Python script example instead, and extracted each link automatically from the sea of data.
22. Average Score Calculator
This super simple Python script example asks users to input three scores and then promptly produces the average. Of course, you can add more numbers by adjusting the code (as well as more complicated mathematical functions), but this gives a sense of Python’s computational powers.
23. Hangman Game
Oh, Hangman. A game played on the back of many a napkin and kid’s menu during meals out in my youth. This Python script example breaks down the mechanics of the Hangman game and turns it into a digital session of guessing variables.
24. Number Reverser
We continue our list with Python programming examples that highlight fun with numbers. This Python number reverser script will reverse any given number. So, 1234 becomes 4321.
25. Print Odd Numbers in a Given Range
This is another simple case of using Python to automate a task that would be dull and time-consuming if done manually. Looking for a list of odd numbers in a given range? Simply execute this Python script example and BOOM! Mission accomplished.
26. Print All Integers That Aren’t Divisible by Either 2 or 3 and Lie between 1 and 50
Ready for Python code examples that get even wilder with their mathematical parameters? If you’re looking to print all integers that aren’t divisible by either 2 or 3 (AND lie between 1 and 50), well my friend, this is the Python script for you!
In addition to these Python programming examples, there are many other mathematical problems you can solve using Python. You can use Python to work with complex numbers, factorials, floating point numbers, lambdas, Fibonacci sequences, data types, and other numeric bits and bobs. Feel free to test the import math function, play with the range function, and experiment with indexing.
If you love data science, download an IDE and play around with NumPy. There are so many cool ways that you can explore Python, so we encourage you to try them all.
If you’re excited to learn how to code after reading about the different frameworks and tools you can use to iterate in Python check out our Break Into Tech program, which teaches you everything you need to know to be job-ready as a developer.
Scott Morris
Category: Backend Developer, Blog, Coding Languages and Tools, Full Stack Developer, Learn to Code, Python