Supporting unemployed job-seekers, veterans, and students with discounted courses has always been our practice here at Skillcrush. And now more than ever! ♥
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Our ultimate goal is to become an actively anti-racist online tech education company that works against racism in all facets, internal AND external to our organization.
In the month of April, $35 from every purchase was donated to the National Domestic Worker's Alliance Coronavirus Care Fund. Learn more about the fund here.
In the month of June, in response to the police murder of George Floyd we donated $15,000 to the National Bail Fund Network. Learn more about the fund here.
In the month of June, we also pledge $10,000 in matching funds to double match donations given to various social justice organizations by our students & company staff. Organizations donated to included Chicago Community Bond Fund, NAACP, RAICES Texas, ACLU, Black Lives Matter, The Dream Defenders, Grassroots Law Project, Justice for Breonna Taylor, Minnesota Freedom Fund Inc, Colorado Freedom Fund, and more!